Sunday, August 30, 2009

Gurgaon- The next Mumbai

Whats going on with GGN!!!! I am shocked to see the way the concrete jungle has grown. This justnt seem to be the city where I spent 2 years.
Just The New ggn is so vast that its roads never seem to end. The Housing societys here have grown like no other. Only the Hiranandanis of Mumbai can match the Niravana Counties here.
The buildings under construction have made me forgot of anything similar in bangalore.

The spacious and wide roads match the scale and splendour of the city. Though the recession will definitely slow the pace of growth , but this city seems to be poised for something in a period of 10 years. With Metro and affordable housing coming to gurgaon, the middle middle class is going to provide the base that Mumbai is so abundant with.